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Saturday, June 1 | 1:30 PM | In-Person at the Erie Canal Museum | Free


The Witness to Injustice Exercise is a unique three-hour interactive group teaching tool. It uses participatory education to share the disturbing history of what Indigenous Peoples have experienced through colonization. The program seeks to foster truth, understanding, and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the part of the world now known as the United States; especially in the territory stewarded by people of the Onondaga Nation and other Haudenosaunee peoples. Join Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) and Haudenosaunee facilitators as we participate in learning and dialogue through this exercise.


Any donations given to the Museum in association with this event will cover NOON’s honorarium for facilitating the workshop. Any additional funds will be used to bring more programs highlighting Indigenous history to the Museum. We appreciate your support as we work toward making the Museum a safe and welcoming place for all.

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General Public, Museum Member


$0, $5, $10, $20