Images of the hops industry in Central New York
The Erie Canal Museum’s July 9 Quarantine Coffee Hour features Madison County Historian Matthew Urtz discussing the history of the hops industry in Central New York. The program will be streamed on Facebook Live beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. It’s free and open to all.
Hops are a key ingredient in beer making. The Erie Canal helped farmers ship their goods all over the state and country, including large cities with plenty of breweries. As a result the hops industry grew in leaps and bounds during the 19th century. A variety of factors led to its decline in the early 20th century. In recent years things have changed, and the local hops industry is growing. Urtz will discuss this story in detail on July 9.
These photos from the Town of Madison Historical Society offer another look at hops production in Central New York. Click on each image to see it full size.
- Hop workers in a field.
- Hop fields in Bouckville, Madison County, NY
- Hop workers.